Monday, August 29, 2011

Tips and Advice For Upcoming Middle Schoolers!

 Here are some of my best tips and advice I would give to anyone going into middle school OR just moving up a grade! This was highly requested to make a video of, for my 2Cool4Skool series, but when I filmed it , it was over 20 minutes long! And I think having everything typed out is better than me just reading it!! Hope you Enjoy!!!

Dont be scared- Even though the sound of going to Middle School may seem scary, its not.

Stay calm and try to just learn your way around school the first week. Its not a big deal if you get lost or cant find your class the first week. You can always ask a staff member or teacher for directions. Students are not always the best people to ask, since they probably dont want to be bothered and they have their own classes to get to.

Be prepared- try not to forget your pencil, pen or other essentialsyou WILL need them!

Be confident- Believe in yourself. Dont let negative thoughts convince you on whats going to happen(for ex. Omgosh, I am so going to fail the test tomorrow, I just know it)
Dont get intimidated by your new surroundings, people from other elementary schools, a bigger school and older kids.

Do all your work- Do all of your work yourself and make sure you understand it.  Do the best you can and nothing less, hard work will pay off in the end. If you are having issues understanding something, dont be afraid to ask questions or if you are able to stay after school for extra help. This will help you get great grades.

Homework- Just get it done ASAP, and you wont have to keep putting it aside and having to do it at the last minute. If you have a free period, or even during lunch, try and get ahead of that nights homework/ upcoming work(if possible). Procrasting just leaves to more stress and pressure on you, so dont do it!

Getting Organized- Being organized is key to keeping up good grades and managing all of your schoolwork and homework. Use your planner/ agenda to keep track of assignments and upcoming events. Use different folders, notebooks and or binders for each subject. Keep your locker and back pack/ totebag clean at all times! Color coordination is also a very helpful way to be even more organized.

Managing Time- In middle school teachers expect more of you. You will have more homework, so be sure to schedule your time wisely. Allow a certain amount of time for homework and studying. NEVER wait until an assignment is due to start it, start early. Keep track of your homework assignments. Be sure to leave yourself time to get from your previous class to your next one ,if you have to go to the bathroom or your locker. Most schools only allow a maximum of 5 mins. In between classes.

Responsibility- You are expected to be much more responsible now that you are out of Elementary school. You will have to be on your own a lot more and have to depend on yourself to get from class to class. Act your age and be mature.

Listen and stay focused in class- I can not stress enough how important listening to what your teachers have to say, even when it might seem so boring  that they are putting you to sleep. Keep your ears open and be sure to take notes and mark important key words. What they are saying one day when you dont listen at all, could appear on a test, quiz or pop quiz.

Use your locker- If your school has lockers, use yours, but don't overdo it when decorating and please be sure to clean it out frequently. Dont share you locker combo with anyone, not even your friends, especially since they could go and give it to another person and then a chain could form. If you forget combos easily, then write it on a post it and stick it inside your shoe or keep it in your wallet.

Bring lunch for the first week- You really won't know the lunch system and it could take you all lunch period to get lunch.

Respect the Older kids- Don't bow down to them but be nice and don't say anything rude to them. If you know a bunch of older kids. 6th grade will be a lot more enjoyable.

Be yourself- I know everybody always says that, but it's seriously true. If not, you will find yourself more likely to befriend the wrong people, and not let your true personality shine through!
Be who you want to be, not who others want you to be!!! If you act fake, people will eventually notice.

Extra-curricular Activities-Find things that you enjoy, sports, clubs, activities, and get involved. Its a great way to meet new people and to have fun.

Drama- Just stay away and you wont have any problems; trust me! Enough said.

School Events- If your school is hosting a dance, sports game, etc. just go for it! Go with a group of friends and just have fun. If  you have the chance to go, just do it because you might regret it later on

Make new Friends- This doesnt mean that you cant still be friends with your old ones, just be open to meeting new people and becoming their friend. They will most likely be friends without your whole middle school life and possibly high school.

School policies/ dress codes- This is always a major subject, just because there are always students who go against school rules and dont dress school appropriate. Schools have rules for a reason, to help your time learning go much smoother and for everyones safety. Even though some dress codes may seem so unfair and unreasonable, just follow them. You dont want to have problems with teachers confronting you about your appearance. School is a place for learning, not a fashion show. There is no problem with dressing cute, comfy and appropriate all at the same time.

  Attitude- Attitude does matter, no one is going to want to be friends with someone who is mean, nasty, a bully, etc. If you are nice and have a positive attitude, then people will want to be your friend. There wont be much of a reason for kids to pick on you, tease you or just be mean to you. Dont let other insecure jerks bring you down.

Dont worry about being popular- You are in middle school for 3 years. Most likely by the time you get to high school the popular kids will either be not so popular anymore or some of them will still be popular. The thing that even makes them more popular is everyone saying they are. Dont worry about it, nearly no one is popular and average is just fine!

Youre not the only one in the school- There are soo many other kids in the hallway than you. This is going to sound a bit harsh, but everyone gets annoyed by it. If you are going to talk to your friends, DO NOT stop in the middle of the hallway, get whatever you need out of your locker then leave no one wants their locker blocked. Also, if you are going to walk slow in the hallway, get out of the way; other people have classes to get to.

Chewing gum and Cell phones- If your school allows you to chew gum in class, then great, if not its not worth getting in trouble over. As far as cell phones go, I know most schools dont allow them to be on or used at all during school hours. Either turn it off or put the ringer on silent, you dont want to risk getting your phone taken away(if your school does that).

Pack Light- Dont over pack your purse or backpack, you dont want to be carrying around 30 pounds of books, when you can make frequent stops to you locker, if you have one.

Makeup- You can wear makeup to school if you want,I know I do. But please, do not go overboard on eyeliner, foundation, powder, bronzer and lipgloss/lipstick. Just keep your look natural and neutral and you will be fine.

                                   Good Luck everyone!!

                              Hugs and a new school year,

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ashley Benson Seventeen Cover Inspired Airbrushed Nails!

Hey everyone! So, for about a week I was trying to come up with some sort of video or tutorial inspired by Ashley Benson's Seventeen interview and photos. I fell in LOVE with the pic of her on the cover and knew I had to either do a makeup tutorial(which everyone already did) or some sort of inspired outfits from her photo shoot... but then I had the idea of a nail tutorial focused around the purple lilac tank she was wearing. Then I just added in a few other colors I saw on the cover and used one of my fav. methods of nail art, Cosmetic Sponges!! I hope you all enjoy if you have yet to see the video! Feel free to use your own choice of nail polishes and if you decide to try it out, leave me a video response on my channel, tweet me a pic(@PinknPrettyStar) or E-mail me a pic!!

                                                        Love Always,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Products Used in "ALL Drugstore Everyday Makeup Tutorial"

Nâ‚’7 Shine Free Face Primer
Hard Candy Glamoflauge Concealer
Covergirl Aquasmoothers Tinted Moisturizer
Ecotools Foundation Brush
MAC Mineralized Skinfinish Natural
** I suggest Maybelline pressed mineral powder**
CiCi Fashion Brush Stippling Brush
Physicians Formula Happy Booster Blush “Natural”
Coastal Scents Duo Fiber Blush Brush
NYC Sunny Matte Bronzer
CiCi Fashion Brush- Angled Brush
NYX Milk Jumbo Eye Pencil
Maybelline Crown Jewels Trio.
Ecotools eyeshadow brush
ELF Eyelash Curler
L'oreal Voluminous Million Lashes Mascara
EOS Lip Balm
Revlon Lipgloss in Peach Petal


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Haul: Hollister, Juicy Couture and MAC

So yesterday, My mom randomally asked me if I wanted to go to the mall with her and my little sister. Naturally I said yes. We spent close to 4 hours at the mall and did some damage. As usual, I got the bulk of the items, but my mom and sister got a few things from Juicy and Hollister too. Those of you reading this are very lucky, because I won't be uploading a haul video on my main YouTube channel! Well, enough said, time for the haul. Hope you enjoy =]

                                                                             First Stop: Hollister
As soon as I walked into the store, I fell in love with this tank
 and it's so different from every other one I own. I love how it
cinches perfectly at my waist. Oh, and I can't forget the lace,
it makes the top 100x better.
Here is just a closer look...
Honestly, I don't know how to describe this next top other than
saying it sort- of looks like a bucket. But it's gorgeous on.
I am in love with the ruffles, the corset like feel,
and of course the buttons.
The back is also really cool, since it's criss- cross.
I am really excited to share this one with you guys, since I have
been on the look- out for v- neck longsleeves. And just
because I am obsessed with navy blue.
I only paid $4 since it was on sale.
So this skirt I can't really describe other than it has such a pretty
floral design on it and it's not a normal boring skirt, it has
ruffles!! haha
So these are just normal Laguna skinny jeans, the darkest wash.
They were half off, so we only paid $25.
                                                                     Next Stop: MAC
YES, I finally got Viva Glam Gaga 2!!
A little late, but omg.. I am in love with how it looks on
my skin. I am about NW15 or 20 and it doesn't wash me out.
$14.50/ $15 something with tax.
Of course, I had to swatch it...
                                                                                Last Stop: Juicy Couture
I had to take a picture of the bag I was given.
It's just too cute, because whenever I walk into Juicy my mom,
sister and I usually walk out with 2 or more large bags.
But this time, just one TINY one.
I saw this in the sale case, and had to have it!
I have a gold charm bracelets, but no charms and I thought
that this lava lamp one was wayyy to cute to pass up.
Also, as you can see from the picture, full price it was $52,
than $35 and then it was either 25% or 30% off of that.
After all that, we ended up paying only $22 for it.
Now my bracelet is officially a "charm bracelet"
                                                                Hope you all enjoyed!!
                                                                   Hugs and Shopping,

Finally!! My Nail Polish Collection

Well, after a million requests(ok, not that much) to do one. Here it is. Sorry it's in slideshow form, but the true colors show 100x better that way.

                                                                             Hugs and Nail Polish galore,

TAG! The Real Me

So, I was tagged on YouTube to do this tag that user: MakeupByCelina tagged me to do. I have not been posting on here much, so I chose to post this tag on here! Hope you enjoy, I know I did. Thanks again Celina for tagging me!
Oh! and I tag all of you to do this as well <3

1. Name - Amanda 
2. Age - 13
3. Birthday - February 17th
4. Whats do hate most about YT? - The haters
5. Whats your favorite thing about YT? - The opportunities and the whole experience of meeting girls and guys who share the same interests as you!
6. Who is your favorite guru to watch? - I have wayyy too many.
7. What is your favorite color? - hmm.. PINK!!!
8. What do you do when your not on the computer? - go out, hang with friends and plan for new videos.
9. What is your biggest pet peeve? - When people don't edit out certain things AND chewing with your mouth open. Gross. Wait, also when people drag their feet!
10. Do you play sports? If so what sport? - Nope, no sports.
11. Who was your inspiration to start making videos? - Meganheartsmakeup
12. Do your friends know about your videos? Nope, shhhh.
13. Who/what inspired your style? - My style is 100% my own, and I don't get inspired by many people.
14. Would you ever want any piercings/tatoos is so what/where? - I just really want my ears pierced a second time. Tattoos are not for me.
15. If you can go anywhere where would you go? Why? - Italy... it seems so beautiful and I love Italian food!

Hope you guys enjoyed! Just a quick fun tag to help get to know each other more.

                                               Hugs and questions,

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pinch of Pink; A tutorial!

So basically, I have been planning on filming a makeup tutorial for a REALLY long time now, but have not had time and silence to do so. I couldn't decide on wither or not to have no talking or just music, so I did both. From now on, I do think I am just going to do music though. Hope you enjoy it even though I have not done a tutorial in such a longggg time. 

                                                                    Here are some pics I took after.....

I am in LOVE with how my lases came out!!

LOL!, I am really liking this pic!
I see you! =]

                                                   Hugs and lots of PINK,